With luck,you might hit the big time. It was filmed on location in 〜 I didn't know you were into singing.
根室の最暑日8月7日〜8月10日の平年最高気温21.2度 稚内の最暑日8月9日〜8月16日の平年最高気温22.5度 那覇の最寒日1月31日〜2月1日の平年最低気温14.0度 石垣島の最寒日1月26日〜2月2日の平年最低気温16.1度 佐賀の4…
vouch for as a matter of fact quite frankly
too shy to make the first move then again have a crush on you the plot thickens in full swing be in the air anonymous suitor start a rumor It beats me Word gets around fast This whole thing is getting flown out of proportion
「どなん」一般酒を飲みはじめる。maybe it's from you-know-whobe infatuated withsince day onebroadcast it to the world